Ogni mercoledi. . . . !

I know that today is Saturday, but why not something about another day . . .

Every time when I enter history center of Siena and I see people with full bags, it means only one thing . . . it’s Wednesday !

Every Wednesday (all year round) we have here . . .  il MERCATO (a market). The thing adored by local people (of course nothing can compete with Palio).  It takes place underlying my favorite Fortezza Medicea. So as you can easy guess I am there very often. Markets are very popular in Tuscany. Of course I don’t want to undermine the uniqueness of leather market in Florence that I highly recommend to you. But there you are able to find only leather products.

On the other hand market in Siena gives you an opportunity to buy everything what you need. Because it’s a genuine market as well as the one of  the largest in Tuscany! You can find here totally everything inter alia fruits, vegetables, kitchen stuff, bedclothes, flowers, animals, and a lots of clothes (not exactly in my style). For me il mercato is a right place where I always find beautiful flowers, good local food and a place where I found our canary.

Only here time chasing deals, you can bargain with the seller and take the opportunity to buy something in real good price. Certainly you will notice that for local people il mercato is a great occasion of course for shopping but also for. . . spontaneous meeting, chat and gossip with friends.

So when you have a chance to be in Siena on Wednesday between 7 am and 2 pm you can’t forget about il mercato . . . absolutely you can’t!

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